Shake hand door knob by Naomi Thellier De Poncheville

Friday, January 7, 2011

Designers are those people who try to make things we use every day, ordinary things, look special, in a unique way and do that in a very innovative and original manner and create beautiful things, often works of art out of usual things. For example this nice designer called Naomi Thellier De Poncheville thought that doorknobs are far too boring, so she decided to create something special, a special design that will make people notice the doorknob and smile and feel welcome in your house. And what could make you feel more welcome than a warm hand shake? Well, it’s cold in this case.

This special door knob is called “Hand-le” , as a word game that tries to draw your attention on the hand shape of this door knob. The designer had the idea and presented the project in London in 2006 during the London Design Festival. She collaborated with Pols Potten who produced the Hand-le and they were really successful. The handle is entirely made of aluminum and imitates a human hand perfectly, which can be scary for some, but really amusing for others.

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